We're obsessed with her paintings - She's into our Trousers - so naturally we couldn't wait to bond. Enjoyed this journal, and we think you will do too. Take a read at the link in bio to find out more about the talented Ruby and her art, her style inspo and plans for the future of @sshepaints.
I’m Ruby, I’m an artist from Brighton. The subject of my work is mostly about romance, eating, drinking wine and the simple pleasures of life.
What's your career history?
I started my brand Sshepaints three years ago, but it’s been a year or so of running it full time. Which is exciting as I feel I’m totally at the beginning. I feel so fulfilled painting everyday. Creating art which connects people and making content for brands. I absolutely love it and feel very lucky. Before I did this I worked in the design industry and in a pizza restaurant. So I guess both of them have merged together and got me to where I am now haha.

How did Sshepaints start?
Sshepaints started in lockdown. During the time we were all locked in and unable to share food and make memories together. I started painting about missing doing all these things. (My boyfriend who is my fiancé now) Lewis encouraged me to sell them online so people can post them to each other, as a way of connecting. It went from there, he put his bed in the kitchen and I used his bedroom as a ‘studio’!! Which even now is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me - With this support I felt like I could push it further and it’s kept going ever since.
What's been the biggest challenge in your business so far?
I’d say the biggest challenge for me has been during slow times I.e January. Staying positive when the sales are low and people aren’t getting in touch. The self believe to keep going and know it will pick up is such a challenge. It’s totally practicing that way of thinking - I guess as I’ve just started I’m still getting to grips with trusting my business and my customers.

Any tips for the artists in our community artists who would love to get their pieces out there?
Instagram. Honestly I had a shop in the front of our last studio and I found it such a struggle to get people looking at my work in real life. Trying to build a following and finding your audience is so tough. But the power of Instagram I truly believe in, if you market yourself honestly. I’d always say make it about you, don’t try and be a pristine professional faceless account. I think people want to see something different and know the person behind the work. Tell your story I think it really helps people find you.
What is your relationship like with fashion and shopping?
I love fashion and find clothes really inspiring. I’m not the biggest shopper, but I will always try and find pieces which I can wear over and over. Charity shops / second hand vintage is where I usually go. However due to Instagram I feel like I’m finding lots of new brands I love.

How did you find Beyond Nine?
Through some people I follow - I saw your Trousers! And I was very interested.
What makes the perfect outfit?
I think this links to your gorgeous trousers - simple and comfy for me is key. Then adding something that doesn’t match - like a formal shoe, or an accessory which clashes. The more thrown together an outfit looks I always find the better. Don’t overthink it.

What does the future look like for She Paints?
I want to keep growing the Sshepaints gang, getting my work in more spaces. I am to expanding the ‘Club Caps’ I have something very exciting coming up for them. I’m going to be levelling up my branding and imagery, which is super exciting.